2002 Tallinn University, former Academy Nord, Master of Laws (LL.M) / Magister iuris (Mag.jur)
2000 Tallinn University, former Academy Nord, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) / Baccalaureus Artium
1997 Tallinn School of Economics, Lawyer (Diploma on Customs Management and Law)
- Excellent knowledge about legal system and
legislation in Estonia. Long professional praxis in Law incl. court praxis.
- Good knowledge about legal system and
legislation of Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.
- Over 10 year of practise teaching financial and tax law, business law and insurance law to bachelor and master level students in different universities.
- Multilingual English/Finnish/Estonian/Russian, with working knowledge of multicultural business, legal and financial environments
2015 –
currently R.O.S Law Office OÜ, Managing
2011 – 2015 BLRT Grupp AS, Legal Director
2008 – 2011 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Tallinna Kolledž / Tallinn College of Tallinn Technical University, Lecturer of tax law
2007 – 2011 Arco Vara AS / Arco Real Estate AS, Head of Legal Department, Procurator
2006 – 2007 EMI EWT Ida-Lääne Koolituse AS / EMI EWT East-West Training AS, Managing Director
2000 – 2006 Akadeemia Nord / Academy Nord, Lecturer of Financial Law, Commercial Law, Insurance Law
1998 – 2006 Maksuamet / Tax Board of Estoni and after reformation Maksu- ja Tolliamet / Tax And Customs Board of Estonia, Senior Lawyer, Head of Internal Audit Department, Head of Eastern Tax Centre, Deputy Director General
Articles and publications:
Ab Ovo. Story about a School. Academy Nord 2016
Don’t buy real estate as a piglet in the sack! Weekly newspaper Maaleht, 08.10.2009
Landlords should carry part of utility costs themselves. Weekly newspaper Maaleht, 11.09.2009
Income from rental agreement must be declared. Daily newspaper Äripäev, 02.02.09
Income from rental agreement must be declared. Daily Newspaper Postimees (series of articles in November 2008)
Envelope salary – is this an unavoidable phenomenon in Eastern-Virumaa?
Daily newspaper Põhjarannik, 22.07.04
Tax disputes and Taxation problems. Handbook for bookkeepers. Publisher, 2003
Is the law-order in Estonia legitimate? Proceedings of Academy Nord, 2002 issue 13
Implementation of an Internal Control System in Tax Administration. IOTA Tax Tribune 2002/2 issue 14
Academic thesis and grants:
2007 - Academy Nord Award for contributions to higher education in Estonia
2002 - Master thesis (LL.M) “Legitimacy Crisis in Tax Law"
2002 - Academy Nord master's grant to continue the successful research of the subject
2001 - Academy Nord master's grant to continue studies
2000 – Bachelor thesis (LL.B) cum laude “History of Taxation in Estonia and Comparative Analysis with a Stress on Dutch Tax Law”